Saturday, February 20, 2010

I Know How the Homeless Feel...

I better start off this post by describing the kind of girls i live with.

I can't have a blog unless i talk about my best of friends - AKA The Trash Hole!

We are the coolest people around;
girls hate, boys love us.

We're loud, freaking hilarious, slightly out of control, crazy, but basically the best people ever. 

but a picture speaks a thousand words 

and this one describes us pretty perfectly 

Aren't these ladies the best?

We are them in about 50 years. 

We must all be aging prematurely because sometimes we do the same things they do 

for example:

we do a bunch of this

but we probably end up like this more times than not....

moral of the story is we are almost just as awesome as these ladies. Maybe someday we will reach that level. 


the real crisis we are having lately housing: housing in provo is compeitive, trashy, and a general a rip off

thus we are reverting to plan D since we can't find a six person apartment:

but it doesn't really matter as long as we are all together right

that is unless we all end up married.. then all our problems would be solved ( or probably just beginning)


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